Wednesday, September 16, 2009


This blog is a combination of events over the last few months .. starting with the going away party on July 7th ... Below is Bri and Katie on one last drive before both headed to Africa.

There were some pictures at the airport, but they were taken on Brian's camera and I'm still waiting for them.
For 2 months, Brian was in training learning the language, customs and how to not get malaria. Here he's studying? Nice waterfront property! Hmmm, maybe that's where he's going to use the 1 man rubber raft he won in the auction to benefit education for girls.

And on Sept 10th, Brian was officially sworn in as a Peace Corps Volunteer, wearing a customary Niger-ien style outfit. He said that during the swearing in, while they all had their right hands up, a bee kept swarming around his face so close he had to start swatting at it, and ended up making a scene until finally the bee got the best of him and stung him on top of his head! I'm hoping someone got some video footage of that.

In our last conversations, Bri had just arrived in his new place  and is enjoying some foods other than millet. He's the only PCV in the area and will again start to meet new people and now learn the local language - zarma. It'll be another month, mid-October, before school opens as this is their rainy season which means everyone is busy with growing and harvesting and the children all help out. There seems to be a lot of "down time" for him, so he'll be looking to keep himself busy and start meeting neighbors and get acquainted with the area.